BlockTac’s voting platform successfully implemented in Bolivia

BlockTac has successfully put into practice a Blockchain platform for online voting in elections to the Board of Directors of the Bolivian National Chamber of Commerce (CNC).

As a result of the existing collaboration between both entities for the implementation of digital certificates and seals in different industries, the Bolivian CNC suggested BlockTac the challenge of applying the same technology to warrant elections for the renewal of their directors’ positions which were constrained by the COVID 19 pandemic. As a result of joint work, this election took place on June 25, and was characterized by being completely online, and has provided transparency, security, and auditability without sacrificing privacy for voters.

BlockTac has based this development in the technology of its blockchain-based certificates and single-use digital seals, an unparalleled innovation with international recognition. This has secured both the identity of the voters and the integrity of the entire process, making any electoral fraud attempt impossible and allowing the auditing of all processes. The costs have been substantially less when compared to the cost of running a ballot based system. The experience has resulted in an easier and quicker voting process which has lead to higher voter turnout.

This remote blockchain voting system was implemented with existing CNC infrastructure and has impacted the institution in a very positive way. The BlockTac solution has provided convenience for voters, which were distributed all around the country and had trouble moving around to vote due to the pandemic. The whole process was very swift and private and has increased the number of voters.


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