News about Blockchain Technology

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Blockchain-of-Things devices by BlockTac and SDGs

Lately, you may have frequently seen presentations defending the role of Blockchain technology in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. While it is true that in some cases these are generic and unconvincing statements, the truth is that also in this area...

BlockTac leader in the Blockchain and DLT category

BlockTac has obtained the highest score in the DLT and Blockchain category in an evaluation process developed by the Community of Madrid. BlockTac has surpassed national and international benchmark companies in the technology sector that presented themselves for approval as suppliers in the ambitious goal of...

New agreement with Professional Economists Body

On May 12 we finalized a new agreement with another professional body. This time with the Professional Association of Economists from Seville. Its dedication to the training of the professional competencies of its members will be reinforced with the registration in the Blockchain of their...

The preponderance of common sense

More than a year has gone by since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic and basic questions regarding the best way to address it are still being debated. As if, in addition to the loss of the taste and smell senses, often seen in this...

BlockTac in the final round of the Corda Challenge: 5G

BlockTac, competing with startups across the globe, reaches the final round of the 5G Corda Challenge. BlockTac will work hand in hand with Swisscom, Vodafone, AWS, and the team from R3 to unlock and accelerate the potential of 5G – using Corda, R3’s open-source blockchain platform. The...

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